4 step sequencing pictures

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Use pictures of events in nature like a volcanic eruption, tadpole metamorphosis, seeds to flowers, or the changing of the seasons to enhance the child's learning. One of the sequences is making popcorn using an electric popcorn maker which some small children may not have experienced. The cards are well made, colourful and mostly relevant.

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Book Level 1:2 step Level 2:3 step Level 3:4 step Sequencing. Very useful early sequencing tasks although 4 step sequencing may be a little complicated depending on the children you are working with.

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If the pictures are not in a correct order (the picture of a clean dog is placed before the picture of someone washing the dog), have the child tell why that does not make sense and have him/her attempt to rearrange the sequence. Present the pictures to the child in a messy array and ask them to put the pictures in order. (For example, a sequence might include a picture of a dirty dog needing a bath, a tub filled with water, the dog being washed, and the clean dog.) When the child thinks he/she has the correct order, have him/her tell a story in order using the pictures. Always start at the student's level of instruction. The four squares are easily large enough for preschoolers to draw pictures in them, are clearly labeled 1-4 and an easy way to break down processes into steps. The older the student, the more panels he/she should be able to arrange in correct order. Younger children should begin with two panels representing beginning/end or first/last, and then progress to three panels, then four, etc. Make sure the pictures have an obvious order. Picture Sequencing - Cut several sequential pictures from magazines, picture books, comic books, or the comics section of the newspaper.